Roadmap to raising the child of your dream while living the live of your dream.
8th-12th December, 2020 | Online
Do you feel overwhelmed by work and parenting?
Are you tired of your child’s unacceptable behaviours and wondering what you can do about it?
Are you and your spouse always disagreeing about how to go about different aspects of your parenting?
Are you always battling the demands of other areas of your life and the demands of parenting?
Are you having a lot of emotional ups and downs with your children?
Do you ever feel like you are losing control with your parenting?
Do you look at other parents and wonder how they manage to raise well behaved wholesome kids while smashing their personal goals?

Truth is, parenting comes with it’s challenges for every single one of us. The moment you become a parent, life will place a whole lot of demands on you and if care is not taken, you could loose control of your life or the child in your care.
The difference between the parent who is in control of their life and parenting and the parent who has lost control is in their ability to plan well.
This is why we are bringing you the kickass parenting planning program
The One Parenting Plan Away is a retreat style experience that provides parents with the resources and insights to reorganize their life and parenting using proven planning strategies
This program is brought to by AFRICA'S foremost seasoned Parenting Coaches.
Dr Vivian Okoye and Irene Bangwell.

Dr Viviann Okoye is a Doctor and Parenting Coach.
✓ With clinical practice at several levels
✓ Working with a regulatory agency that ensures that we all have access to standard, quality Eye-care service and by well trained professionals in Nigeria
✓ She is a feature Columnist on Guardian Woman Parenting column
✓ Convener- Parents Summit Abuja
✓ Founder,Viviann Okoye Parenting Academy
✓ Community Lead @Conscious Parents Forum on Facebook with 5,000+ members
✓ Author of “Your Toddler and You”
✓ Wife”
✓ Mum to two under 6 year Olds
How does she do it?
Answer: A unique parent planning strategy.

Irene Bangwell is an Education Innovator and Parenting Coach.
✓ Co-founder, The KNOSK N100-a -day Secondary School, Kuje where she is focused on curriculum design, tools development and learning climate.
✓ She is the Co-Pastor of Ekklesia Teens Church of The Summit Bible Church
✓ Together with her husband, she has co-hosted, Family Street Radio Show, in the last six years on Kiss 99.9FM
✓ Community Lead @ Parenting Champions with Irene Bangwell on Facebook with 2.000+ members
✓ Raising Girls Coach who has authored 4 parenting books
✓ Wife
✓ Mum to two daughters under 10 years of age
How does she do it?
Answer: A unique parent planning strategy.
Together Viviann Okoye and Irene Bangwell will be showing you the unique planning strategies they use to live the life of their dreams while raising the children of their dreams

The ONE PARENTING PLAN AWAY system is a principle based systems and works for parents of children of both gender
The ONE PARENTING PLAN AWAY system is specially designed with busy parents in mind. Sessions are simplified with engaging video content of no more than 15 minutes.
There are printables that you would be emailed to use amongst other resources that you will get. However, you have 30-day access to course video.