
Vo Parenting Academy Personality Test

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I have difficulty getting around to getting things done

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I don’t volunteer to take responsibility

3 / 32

I cannot handle stress

4 / 32

I dislike it when expectations are made of me

5 / 32

I do things to avoid dissention and conflict at home and work

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I try to get others to slow down and be comfortable

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I dislike being the boss of projects or activities

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I feel that in several areas I am somewhat inadequate

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I feel guilty when I say no to someone

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I don’t like to interrupt my kids or bother others to do something I can do for them

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I let others have their way, even when I don’t agree

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I do things for others when I don’t want to, to avoid hurting feelings

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I have difficulty saying NO

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I am sensitive to others ‘opinion of me’

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I try to gain approval from people who are important to me

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I like to get praise from others

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I try to protect others

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I work best when I’m the boss

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I try to get others to do what should be done

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I don’t like to be ‘’out of control’’

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I try to make sure things are done right

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I am a self-starter

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I am determined to see my plans carried out

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I am usually busy, I usually handle two or more projects at a time

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I deserve special treatment

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I usually know what is right or best

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I try to be perfect

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It is very difficult for me to cope with failure

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I try my best in whatever I choose to do

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I work hard accomplishing more than most people

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I prefer to do tasks that involve significant contributions

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I find I can do most tasks better than other people